Friday, November 30, 2012

It's All In the Family

  • As expected, the building blocks of Yolngu social organization are patrilineal, estate owning clans.
    • i.e. A person belongs to the clan of their father.
  • The Yolngu universe is divided into two exogamous patrimoieties called Dhuwa and Yirritja.
    • Each clan and its estates belong either to one or the other.
  • The Yolngu believe in caring for their mother and her clan; watching out and protecting them.
  • Visual of Kinship:



Tuesday, November 27, 2012

What Is In A Name?

  • In their native tongue, Yolngu means "person." 
  • Yolngu is the term that Aboriginal people in this region use to refer to themselves, it is not the name of a language group or clan.
  • The term Murngin was formally used by some anthropologists to describe them.

Here's how to pronounce it:
